Sherrill Ranch

A Double Purpose Tract of Land

For several years I have dealt in Hunting and Fishing properties and Farm land in Northeastern Michigan.

This circular is intended to call particular attention to a tract of land for 3805.50 acres in Northeastern Alcona county which I am offering for sale.   I am thoroughly familiar with this property and pronounce it one of the best parcels which is now possible to acquire for good Hunting and Trout Fishing.   Furthermore, because of the character of the land and the equipment of buildings it is it is well suited for cattle or dairy ranch.   Properties of this type are becoming scare.   The conservation Department no longer sells lands that revert to the state and all lands disposed of by this department since 1909 have had the mineral and oil rights reserved.   The interest now shown in oil and minerals in this territory would indicate that it is a bad feature for the land purchaser that such reservation exists on the lands he has acquired.   The mineral and oil rights are not thus reserved on this tract and would go o the purchaser.   From a study of the enclosed map you will note the nearness of this property to the best game clubs in the state.

The following is a concise statement of the more important features of this Alcona County Property.

          CHARACTER OF LAND. The northern part comprises table land between two creeks.   There are in this part about 160 acres of cleared land which is under cultivation.   The drainage is natural towards these creek flats.   In addition to the cleared land these are fully 2000 acres of clay loam soil available for agricultural purposes.   The southern part is more hilly and well lumbered.   These is very little swamp land.   The cleared land is very productive and excellent crops of Oats, Ensilage, Corn, Alfalfa and Clover have been grown.   With little labor considerable acreage of this same type could be added.

          IMPROVEMENTS. Two large stock barns having stables under the entire buildings.   Two frame houses of seven rooms each.   Tool shed and other small buildings.   Artesian well at buildings furnish water for all purposes.   Twelve miles of woven wire fence and nines miles of single wire fence.

          TROUT STREAMS. The ranch is traversed by five streams well stocked with trout.   The steams are the Little, Wolf, McGinn, Silver, Beaver and Indian.   The first two extend practically across the property from south to north and are classed as equal to the best in Michigan for brook trout.   The five streams give not less than ten miles of trout streams on the property.   Stream are well shaded by a good growth of timber.   The trout picture enclosed is a sample of what you will find in every stream on the property.

          RABBIT, WOODCOCK, and PARTRIDGE. Are very plentiful and are to be found in large numbers on the property.

          DEER. Of prime importance is the large number of deer on the property.   There is an abundance of feed and the shelter or cover is ideal.   For several years the few who have had the privilege of visiting the ranch during the openseason for deer have not failed to take away with them the greatly prized buck.   A very important feature of keeping an abundance of game is the fact that the property is enclosed, posted and protected from the public.

          TIMBER. The timber which provides adequate cover for the game includes Norway, White and Jack Pine, Oak, Maple, Silver Birch, Poplar, Balsam, Spruce and Cedar.   There are thousands of dollars worth of marketable timber.

          ROADS. The property is approached over good roads.   From the south one may go over M-72 to Curran; Thence over gravel and county roads about ten miles to the property.   From Alpena the drive is 34 miles over concrete, gravel and county roads.   From the east one may go from Hubbard Lake over dirt plains road a distance of nine miles.

From the study of maps giving the location of many of the important private clubs it is apparent this property is located in a district that is almost all taken over by private parties for hunting purposes, although none has the natural advantages of this tract.

The title to this property is well perfected.   A Warranty deed and abstract of title will be given, a feature not always possible with these tracts.

The property is offered for sale in its entirely or I will consider dividing it into parcels.   Anyone interested to inspect the ranch is invited to do so at his earliest opportunity and arrangements will be made promptly by notifying me.   I shall be please to answer serious inquires concerning prices and terms of sale.

Gordon J. Wheaton
Alpena, Michigan

Office 126 ½ South Second Ave.
Phone, Alpena 620