Ten Buck Directions
The first step in getting to Tenbuck is to get to the BP gas station located at the intersection of M-72 and M-65.
BP Google Maps link is here.
From the BP, you will head north on M-65 to Fruchey Ranch Road, which is about 7.9 miles from the BP. As you head north on M-65, you will see the McCollum Lake Road sign (Brown Sign indicating a lake) and McGinn Creek sign (Green sign indicating a stream), passing both indicate you are on the right path. As you approach Fruchey Ranch Road, you’ll notice that M-65 is starting a lazy bend to the right, Fruchey Ranch Road is just ahead. You will be turning right (east), its the only way you can turn. Fruchey Ranch Google Maps link is here
Fruchey Ranch Road is a dirt road that starts out as a two laner and then narrows after the 4-way intersection at Waggoner Road at 1-mile from M-65. You are looking for the Ten Buck gate which is about 3.5 miles in (east) from M-65. The gate is on your right, near a yellow gas pipeline and on the gate is a black sign with Tenbuck in white letters. Ten Buck gate link is here
Once at the Ten Buck Gate, hopefully you have arranged to have a member unlock the gate for you or had a member leave it open for you. If not, its about 1.5 miles in. After opening and closing (and locking) the gate, and head down the road, look for a Silver Arrow (right side of road) outlined in Orange about ¾ of a mile in to indicate the Ten Buck "drive-way". From here you are about 1 mile from the cabin.